Bridon Tiger Dyform® 24LS / 24LS PI

Header EF

Bridon Tiger®

Dyform 24LS /24LS PI

The Bridon Tiger Dyform® 24LS is the most robust rotation resistant hoisting rope with superior performance on friction hoists with a high breaking strength. The dyformed strand are giving a contact on the lining and the sheaves. 

With a PI Intrusion of the core, the rope reaches excellent diameter stability when high thread pressure becomes an issue. 



  • Tower Mounted Friction Hoist with Deflectors
  • Ground Mounted Friction Hoist
  • Blair Hoist
  • Parallel Drum Hoist
  • Stage Sinking Ropes


  • Superior fatigue performance
  • Excellent resistance to wear
  • High thread pressure stability
  • Excellent diameter stability


Compaction Dyform
Core Fibre core, PI
Steel Grades 1770, 1860 or 1960
Lay type Langs lay or Regular lay
Lay Direction RH or LH
Finish Bright or Galvanised

Bridon Tiger Dyform® 24LS specification

Note for more detailed information please download the brochure above. 


Nominal Diameter Approx.
Calculated Aggregate Breaking Force Calculated Minimum Breaking Force
mm kg/m kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
24 2.74 481 543 570 601 632 375 423 445 469 493
25 2.97 522 589 619 652 685 407 459 483 509 535
26 3.21 565 637 669 705 741 441 497 522 550 578
27 3.46 609 687 722 761 800 475 536 563 593 624
28 3.73 655 739 776 818 860 511 576 606 638 671
29 4.00 703 793 833 878 923 548 618 650 685 719
30 4.27 752 848 891 939 987 587 662 695 733 770
31 4.56 803 906 952 1000 1050 627 706 742 782 822
32 4.86 856 965 1010 1060 1120 668 753 791 834 876
33 5.17 910 1020 1070 1130 1190 710 801 841 887 932
34 5.49 967 1090 1140 1200 1260 754 850 893 941 989
35 5.82 1020 1150 1210 1270 1340 799 901 946 997 1040
36 6.16 1080 1220 1280 1350 1420 845 953 1000 1050 1100
37 6.50 1140 1290 1350 1420 1500 893 1000 1050 1110 1170
38 6.86 1200 1360 1430 1500 1580 942 1060 1110 1170 1230
39 7.22 1270 1430 1500 1580 1660 992 1110 1170 1230 1300
40 7.60 1330 1500 1580 1670 1750 1040 1170 1230 1300 1360
41 7.98 1400 1580 1660 1750 1840 1090 1230 1290 1360 1430
42 8.37 1470 1660 1740 1840 1930 1150 1290 1360 1430 1510
43 8.79 1540 1740 1830 1930 2020 1200 1360 1420 1500 1580
44 9.20 1610 1820 1910 2020 2120 1260 1420 1490 1570 1650
45 9.62 1690 1900 2000 2110 2220 1320 1480 1560 1640 1730
46 10.10 1770 1990 2090 2200 2320 1380 1550 1630 1720 1810
47 10.50 1840 2080 2180 2300 2420 1440 1620 1700 1790 1890
48 10.90 1920 2170 2280 2400 2520 1500 1690 1780 1870 1970
49 11.40 2000 2260 2370 2500 2630 1560 1760 1850 1950 2050
50 11.90 2090 2350 2470 2600 2740 1630 1830 1930 2030 2130
51 12.30 2170 2450 2570 2710 2850 1690 1910 2000 2110 2220
52 12.80 2260 2540 2670 2820 2960 1760 1980 2080 2200 2310
53 13.30 2340 2640 2780 2930 3080 1830 2060 2170 2280 2400
54 13.90 2430 2740 2880 3040 3190 1900 2140 2250 2370 2490
55 14.40 2520 2850 2990 3150 3310 1970 2220 2330 2460 2580
56 14.90 2620 2950 3100 3270 3440 2040 2300 2420 2550 2680
57 15.40 2710 3060 3210 3390 3560 2110 2380 2510 2640 2780
58 16.00 2810 3170 3330 3510 3690 2190 2470 2590 2730 2870
59 16.50 2910 3280 3440 3630 - 2270 2550 2680 2830 -
60 17.10 3010 3390 3560 3750 - 2340 2640 2780 2930 -
61 17.70 3110 3500 3680 3880 - 2420 2730 2870 3020 -
62 18.30 3210 3620 3800 4010 - 2500 2820 2970 3130 -
63 18.80 3310 3740 3930 4140 - 2580 2910 3060 3230 -
64 19.50 3420 3860 4050 4270 - 2670 3010 3160 3330 -
65 20.10 3530 3980 4180 4410 - 2750 3100 3260 3440 -

This table is for guidance purpose only with no guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to its accuracy. The products described may be subject to change without notice, and should not be relied on without further advice from Bekaert.

Bridon Tiger Dyform® 24LS PI specification

Note for more detailed information please download the brochure above. 


Nominal Diameter Approx.
Calculated Aggregate Breaking Force Calculated Minimum Breaking Force
mm kg/m kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
24 2.76 479 540 568 598 629 374 421 443 466 490
25 3.00 520 586 616 649 682 405 457 480 506 532
26 3.24 562 634 666 702 738 438 494 520 547 575
27 3.50 606 684 718 757 796 473 533 560 590 621
28 3.76 652 735 773 814 856 509 573 603 635 667
29 4.03 700 789 829 874 918 546 615 646 681 716
30 4.31 749 844 887 935 983 584 658 692 729 766
31 4.60 800 901 947 998 1040 624 703 739 779 818
32 4.91 852 961 1000 1060 1110 664 749 787 830 872
33 5.22 906 1020 1070 1130 1180 707 797 837 882 927
34 5.53 962 1080 1140 1200 1260 750 846 889 937 984
35 5.87 1010 1140 1200 1270 1330 795 896 942 993 1040
36 6.21 1070 1210 1270 1340 1410 841 948 996 1050 1100
37 6.56 1130 1280 1350 1420 1490 888 1000 1050 1100 1160
38 6.92 1200 1350 1420 1500 1570 937 1050 1110 1170 1230
39 7.29 1260 1420 1500 1580 1660 987 1110 1170 1230 1290
40 7.66 1330 1500 1570 1660 1740 1030 1170 1230 1290 1360
41 8.05 1390 1570 1650 1740 1830 1090 1230 1290 1360 1430
42 8.46 1460 1650 1730 1830 1920 1140 1290 1350 1420 1500
43 8.86 1530 1730 1820 1920 2010 1200 1350 1420 1490 1570
44 9.27 1610 1810 1900 2010 2110 1250 1410 1480 1560 1640
45 9.70 1680 1900 1990 2100 2210 1310 1480 1550 1640 1720
46 10.10 1760 1980 2080 2190 2310 1370 1540 1620 1710 1800
47 10.60 1830 2070 2170 2290 2410 1430 1610 1690 1790 1880
48 11.00 1910 2160 2270 2390 2510 1490 1680 1770 1860 1960
49 11.50 1990 2250 2360 2490 2620 1550 1750 1840 1940 2040
50 12.00 2080 2340 2460 2590 2720 1620 1820 1920 2020 2120
51 12.50 2160 2440 2560 2700 2840 1680 1900 2000 2100 2210
52 13.00 2250 2530 2660 2800 2950 1750 1970 2070 2190 2300
53 13.50 2330 2630 2760 2910 3060 1820 2050 2160 2270 2390
54 14.00 2420 2730 2870 3020 3180 1890 2130 2240 2360 2480
55 14.50 2510 2830 2980 3140 3300
2210 2320 2450 2570
56 15.00 2600 2940 3090 3250 3420 2030 2290 2410 2540 2670
57 15.60 2700 3040 3200 3370 3540 2100 2370 2490 2630 2760
58 16.10 2790 3150 3310 3490 3670 2180 2460 2580 2720 2860
59 16.70 2890 3260 3430 3610 - 2250 2540 2670 2820 -
60 17.20 2990 3370 3540 3740 - 2330 2630 2760 2910 -
61 17.80 3090 3490 3660 3860 - 2410 2720 2860 3010 -
62 18.40 3190 3600 3780 3990 - 2490 2810 2950 3110 -
63 19.00 3300 3720 3910 4120 - 2570 2900 3050 3210 -
64 19.60 3400 3840 4030 4250 - 2650 2990 3140 3310 -
65 20.20 3510 3960 4160 4380 - 2740 3090 3240 3420 -

This table is for guidance purpose only with no guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to its accuracy. The products described may be subject to change without notice, and should not be relied on without further advice from Bekaert.

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