Pulling Eyes.
Pulling eyes, also referred to as Becket Eyes are often used when another rope is required to pull the new rope in to the system. These eyes are not intended to be subjected to a load once the rope has been installed and the equipment (crane) on to which the rope was installed placed in service.
Notes to customer/user;
When specifying a pulling eye, the user, machinery manufacturer or purchaser of the rope should calculate the maximum line pull to which the pulling eye will be subjected during a rope installation or a re-reeving operation and include this value in the enquiry and on the order for the rope along with an indication as to whether the pulling eye is to be for single use or multiple use. The following factors should be considered when calculating the line pull, but the list is not exhaustive.
- Rope mass effects
- Efficiency of the reeving
- Fleet angle
- Acceleration and shock loading effects
- Wind effects, mass of any associated equipment that is lifted or pulled during installation or re-reeving operation
- Any friction effects
Note: This list is not exhaustive, and any other factors known to influence line pull may need to be considered.
When connecting one rope to another (i.e. in series), whether during installation or in operation, it is essential that they are of the same lay direction and construction.
Connecting a left (S) lay rope to a right (Z) lay rope will result in rope rotation and unlaying of the strands when loaded, which can result in a failure of the rope, injury of personnel and damage to equipment.
When connecting a pulling rope to a rotation resistant rope construction, the pulling rope should also be of a rotation resistant construction.