Bridon Tiger® 34M SPI

Header EF


Tiger 34M SPI

The Bridon Tiger® 34M SPI construction is a rotation resistant rope in a 3-layer construction with synthetic fibre core. The rope is flexible and provides easy handling and installation.

Bridon Tiger® 34M SPI can be used as a hoist or a balance rope. When used as a balance rope, the rope can be sheathed and plastic impregnated.



  • Ground Mounted Friction Hoist
  • Tower Mounted Friction Hoist with Deflectors


  • Plastic sheathed
  • Small loop diameter
  • Maintenance free

Bridon Tiger® 34M SPI specification

Note for more detailed information please download the brochure above. 


Nominal Plasticated Diameter Nominal length mass Calculated Aggregate Breaking Force Calculated Minimum Breaking Force
Grade 1180 Grade 1370 Grade 1570 Grade 1770 Grade 1960 Grade 1180 Grade 1370 Grade 1570 Grade 1770 Grade 1960
mm kg/100m kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
30 3.92 473 549 630 710 786 355 412 472 532 590
31 4.19 505 587 672 758 840 379 440 504 568 630
32 4.46 538 625 716 808 895 404 469 537 606 671
33 4.74 573 665 762 859 951 429 499 571 644 713
34 5.04 608 706 809 912 1010 456 529 607 684 757
35 5.34 644 748 857 967 1070 483 561 643 725 803
36 5.65 682 791 907 1020 1130 511 593 680 767 849
37 5.96 720 836 958 1080 1190 540 627 718 810 897
38 6.29 759 882 1010 1130 1260 569 661 758 854 946
39 6.63 800 929 1060 1200 1320 600 696 798 900 997
40 6.98 842 977 1120 1260 1390 631 733 840 947 1040
41 7.32 884 1020 1170 1320 1460 663 770 882 995 1100
42 7.68 928 1070 1230 1390 1540 696 808 926 1040 1150
43 8.06 973 1120 1290 1450 1610 729 847 970 1090 1210
44 8.44 1010 1180 1350 1520 1690 764 887 1010 1140 1260
45 8.83 1060 1230 1410 1590 1770 799 927 1060 1190 1320
46 9.22 1110 1290 1480 1670 1840 835 969 1110 1250 1380
47 9.62 1160 1340 1540 1740 1930 871 1010 1160 1300 1440
48 10.04 1210 1400 1610 1810 2010 909 1050 1200 1360 1510
49 10.46 1260 1460 1680 1890 2090 947 1100 1260 1420 1570
50 11.34 1370 1590 1820 2060 2280 1030 1190 1370 1540 1710
51 11.88 1430 1660 1900 2140 2370 1070 1240 1420 1600 1780
52 12.32 1480 1720 1970 2230 2470 1110 1290 1480 1670 1850
53 12.75 1540 1790 2050 2310 2560 1150 1340 1540 1730 1920
54 13.30 1600 1860 2130 2400 2660 1200 1390 1600 1800 1990
55 13.73 1660 1930 2210 2490 2760 1240 1440 1660 1870 2070
56 14.28 1720 2000 2290 2580 2860 1290 1500 1720 1940 2140
57 14.82 1780 2070 2370 2680 2960 1340 1550 1780 2010 2220
58 15.37 1850 2140 2460 2770 3070 1380 1610 1840 2080 2300
59 15.91 1910 2220 2540 2870 3180 1430 1660 1910 2150 2380
60 16.46 1980 2290 2630 2970 3280 1480 1720 1970 2220 2460
61 17.00 2040 2370 2720 3070 3390 1530 1780 2040 2300 2540
62 17.55 2110 2450 2810 3170 3510 1580 1840 2110 2370 2630
63 18.09 2180 2530 2900 3270 3620 1630 1900 2170 2450 2710
64 18.64 2250 2610 2990 3370 3740 1680 1960 2240 2530 2800
65 19.29 2320 2690 3090 3480 3860 1740 2020 2310 2610 2890
66 19.84 2390 2780 3180 3590 3980 1790 2080 2390 2690 2980
67 20.49 2460 2860 3280 3700 4100 1850 2150 2460 2770 3070
68 21.04 2540 2950 3380 3810 4220 1900 2210 2530 2860 3160
69 21.69 2610 3040 3480 3920 4350 1960 2280 2610 2940 3260
70 22.35 2690 3120 3580 4040 4470 2020 2340 2680 3030 3350

This table is for guidance purpose only with no guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to its accuracy. The products described may be subject to change without notice, and should not be relied on without further advice from Bekaert.

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