Bridon Tiger Dyform® 34LR / 34LR PI

Header EF

Bridon® Tiger

Dyform 34LR

The Bridon Tiger Dyform® 34LR offers high strength, excellent spooling on multi-layer drums, with the highest flexibility. 

With a PI Intrusion of the core, the rope reaches excellent diameter stability when high thread pressure becomes an issue.



  • Tower Mounted Friction Hoist with Deflectors
  • Ground Mounted Friction Hoist
  • Blair Hoist
  • Parallel Drum Hoist
  • Stage Sinking Ropes


  • Best flexibility
  • Ideal resistance to rotation
  • Excellent spooling on multi-layer drums
  • Smartest D/d ratio possible
  • Excellent diameter stability


Compaction Dyform
Steel Grades 1770, 1860 or 1960
Lay type Langs lay or Regular lay
Lay Direction RH or LH
Finish Bright or Galvanised

Bridon Tiger Dyform® 34LR / 34LR PI specification

Note for more detailed information please download the brochure above. 

Approx. Mass
Calculated Aggregate Breaking Force Calculated Minimum Breaking Force
1570 N/mm²
1770 N/mm²
1860 N/mm²
1960 N/mm²
2160 N/mm²
1570 N/mm²
1770 N/mm²
1860 N/mm²
1960 N/mm²
2160 N/mm²
mm kg/m kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN
19 1.82 322 364 382 403 444 248 280 294 310 342
20 2.02 357 403 423 446 492 275 310 326 343 379
21 2.22 394 444 467 492 542 303 342 359 379 417
22 2.44 432 488 512 540 595 333 375 394 416 458
23 2.67 473 533 560 590 650 364 410 431 454 501
24 2.90 515 580 610 643 708 396 447 469 495 545
25 3.15 559 630 662 697 769 430 485 509 537 592
26 3.41 604 681 716 754 831 465 524 551 581 640
27 3.68 652 735 772 814 897 502 566 594 626 690
28 3.96 701 790 830 875 964 539 608 639 674 742
29 4.24 752 848 891 939 1030 579 652 686 723 796
30 4.54 804 907 953 1000 1100 619 698 734 773 852
31 4.85 859 969 1010 1070 1180 661 746 784 826 910
32 5.17 915 1030 1080 1140 1260 705 795 835 880 970
33 5.49 974 1090 1150 1210 1340 750 845 888 936 1030
34 5.83 1030 1160 1220 1290 1420 796 897 943 993 1090
35 6.18 1090 1230 1290 1360 1500 843 951 999 1050 1160
36 6.54 1150 1300 1370 1440 1590 892 1000 1050 1110 1220
37 6.91 1220 1380 1450 1520 1680 942 1060 1110 1170 1290
38 7.28 1290 1450 1530 1610 1770 994 1120 1170 1240 1360
39 7.67 1360 1530 1610 1690 1870 1040 1180 1240 1300 1440
40 8.08 1430 1610 1690 1780 1960 1100 1240 1300 1370 1510
41 8.50 1480 1670 1760 1850 2040 1140 1280 1350 1420 1570
42 8.92 1550 1750 1840 1940 2140 1200 1350 1420 1490 1650
43 9.35 1630 1840 1930 2040 2240 1250 1410 1490 1570 1730
44 9.79 1710 1920 2020 2130 2350 1310 1480 1560 1640 1810
45 10.2 1790 2010 2120 2230 2460 1370 1550 1630 1720 1890
46 10.7 1870 2100 2210 2330 2570 1440 1620 1700 1790 1980
47 11.2 1950 2200 2310 2430 2680 1500 1690 1780 1870 2060
48 11.6 2030 2290 2410 2540 2800 1560 1760 1850 1950 2150
49 12.1 2120 2390 2510 2640 2920 1630 1840 1930 2040 2240
50 12.6 2210 2490 2610 2750 3040 1700 1910 2010 2120 2340
51 13.2 2290 2590 2720 2870 3160 1770 1990 2090 2210 2430
52 13.7 2390 2690 2830 2980 3280 1840 2070 2180 2290 2530
53 14.2 2480 2790 2940 3090 3410 1910 2150 2260 2380 2630
54 14.7 2570 2900 3050 3210 3540 1980 2230 2350 2470 2730
55 15.3 2670 3010 3160 3330 3670 2050 2320 2430 2570 2830
56 15.9 2770 3120 3280 3460 3810 2130 2400 2520 2660 2930
57 16.4 2870 3230 3400 3580 3950 2210 2490 2620 2760 3040
58 17.0 2970 3350 3520 3710 4090 2280 2580 2710 2850 3150
59 17.6 3070 3460 3640 3840 4230 2360 2670 2800 2950 3250
60 18.2 3180 3580 3770 3970 4370 2450 2760 2900 3050 3370
61 18.8 3280 3700 3890 4100 4520 2530 2850 3000 3160 3480
62 19.4 3390 3830 4020 4240 4670 2610 2940 3090 3260 3590
63 20.1 3500 3950 4150 4380 - 2700 3040 3200 3370 -
64 20.7 3620 4080 4280 4520 - 2780 3140 3300 3480 -
65 21.4 3730 4210 4420 4660 - 2870 3240 3400 3590 -


This table is for guidance purpose only with no guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to its accuracy. The products described may be subject to change without notice, and should not be relied on without further advice from Bekaert.

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